Narita - Buying Duty Free on Arrival ?
Narita - Will you need a mobile phone in Japan ?
If so you'll need to rent one at the airport. Pre Paid phones are not available to visiting foreigners.
Narita - Passport clearance
When you get to the passport control gate you will be finger printed (it's digital so no messy ink stains) and have your photo taken. A painless affair.
Narita - Passport clearance
When you get to the passport control gate you will be finger printed (it's digital so no messy ink stains) and have your photo taken. A painless affair.
Narita - Getting out of the airport
Don't take a taxi, they are very expensive.
Take either the Limousine Bus Service or the Narita Express Train Service.
The limousine bus service has a counter to purchase tickets from located in the arrivals hall. Staff speak english so there should not be a problem.
The fares are similiar so the mode of transport you decide will depend on your destination and departure times. The Limousine Bus Service has drop offs at many of the major hotels in Tokyo so it may be the better option.
Take either the Limousine Bus Service or the Narita Express Train Service.
The limousine bus service has a counter to purchase tickets from located in the arrivals hall. Staff speak english so there should not be a problem.
The fares are similiar so the mode of transport you decide will depend on your destination and departure times. The Limousine Bus Service has drop offs at many of the major hotels in Tokyo so it may be the better option.